Terraform Pitfalls and Gotchas

I’ve been playing with terraform for a bit now and wanted to relay my experiences with the tool. Here are some interesting gotchas you may run into.
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Roll Your Own Dynamic Dns With Bind

A quick and simple guide to running your own dynamic dns with your own domain.
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Share Docker Machine Hosts Between Users and Machines

The problem

  • Scenario 1: You want to share docker-machine keys access to users across your organization
  • Scenario 2: You want to use docker-machine keys in some sort of CI pipeline or release process
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And We Are Back – The Devops Blog

We are back after a long haitus. What have I been doing in the past couple years?
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Iptables Traffic Forwarding With Docker

I recently had the use case for needing to forward all traffic on certain ports temporarily to a Docker container. I made a Visual Regression toolkit where I was deploying a stack of applications and during a specific time period I needed to forward all web traffic to one container from another.
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